Wednesday, March 18, 2009

these are the packaging for some sort of Asian matches. and I'm not to sure if they really exist, or if its just a joke. i found this while looking for interesting packaging. the packaging looks like it is aimed towards children, because of the colours, simple cartoons and the match heads have little faces on them. it also uses humor to draw in peoples attention. if these are real, then they probably would have been baned from being sold, because of the packaging, even though it doesn't have anything offensive, and looks very innocent. i think that it works very well... unless you get sued and become bankrupt for advertising matches to children.


  1. They are so cute!!! And the match heads have little faces on them! That's so adorable, I would so buy them if you could get them in Aus. =D

  2. heck yes, where do i get some?
