Tuesday, February 24, 2009

what it is
saw it
design and type
quality of artwork
what attracted me to piece

this is a skateboard deck from the brand 'FLIP'.  it is used for skating. i first saw it a few years ago in a skate-shop. it appealed to me because of the smooth, sharp flowing lines and nice compatible colour's. the design is focussed mainly on the text, which works because they made it attractive and pleasing to look at. the best part of the image is also in the center of the board, because the ends normally get worn away first. 
i really like this design so much that was thinking about buying this board (which cost $120) even though i already had one.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

This is a album cover for the band Underoath, and the album is called 'they're only chasing safety'. Its function is to be eye caching, and sell itself to the viewer. it is a fairly simple picture, but manages to get your attention, because the model is staring directly at you. it uses mainly lighter colors, and uses some darker ones for contrast, so it stands out more, and seems more bold. it also has no type to distract you from the main focus of the image. i think they designed this very well and it is a really good image.